Mom’s Thoughts For The Week
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Jan Scott |
This page is a tribute to a special woman in my life. She has been a supportive person, and a very caring spiritual advisor, as I have gone through some of my life’s struggles. In the Fall of 2002, she started a weekly tradition of “Mom’s Thoughts for the Week” where she emailed her thoughts to her children. She was able to do this because she acquired a computer from her family, and joined the growing millions as she learned how to who use emailing as a major method of communicating to friends and family. As her weekly thoughts sustain her children, and a multitude of others as recipients -I thought that I would share her thoughts with you, and hope that you would hear her heartfelt messages. |
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Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-09-05
I truly believe God places things in our lives to make us feel love, laughter, and hope for the future. All 3 can bring a magical air to our lives, with the magic is the giggles of children, snickers of adults, don’t forget chuckles that reach the soul. Magic is in the air lately for the Scott Family. About 2 weeks ago, Stormy, Pam’s dog, mothered 11 puppies; lost one at birth, the delivery in itself was an amazing sight for Pam and Tori to share together. Stormy is a beautiful German shepherd, so most of the puppies have her markings, however, there is a “wolf boy” and one “Roitty”(all black). They are all delights to watch, as they nurse and sleep, as they are trying to stand on their legs, like swimming, and the eyes are trying to open finally. It is laughable as Pam brings 5 at a time to Stormy to feed making sure they all get their “fair share.” Stormy for the first week kept bringing puppies to Pam in the night to her bed, I laughed and said “Stormy knows she doesn’t have enough faucets, so Pam could feed the extras.” Puppy Food soon, weaning to follow, but 10 new homes can’t come fast enough for Pam and Stormy! Needed: newspapers everyone!
Well, as live often does, things often present themselves in masses. I learned Tori is pregnant with my first great grandbaby. It was a true shocker as my response of “OH, NO!! illustrated. My temporary shock was only due to bad timing. Tori is returning to college in the fall----a pregnancy will only cause it to be more difficult for her with a full class load. As parents and grandparents we always want those perfect storybook lives for our loved ones. You know, Love, Marriage, planned children and Happiness ever after. Life sometime through our bad choices can through curves! Those curves can be God’s way to make opportunities to put us back on track.
I think back to myself at a naïve and immature age of 18, when I found out I was pregnant with Pam. The excitement is wonderful as you and those around you help celebrate the news. It can be a scary time when you think of a little one's total dependence on you. You read, talk, and try to learn all you can on babies and raising a child from every direction. From the first “Flutter” of movement to the actual day of birth you feel that baby is part of you and an awesome Gift from God. A Mother’s love is so special to experience; it is 9 months that truly needs to be shared with the father also. Ryan is happy about this news along with Tori, I am praying that they will make the future of this baby their top priority. The Gift from God can only become a maturing journey for you both if shared with our Lord, and the direction God has planned for this baby. Ryan and Tori you can do this only if your responsibilities are taken seriously and responsible for the future. Grandpa and I were green kids, and we made it, raising responsible adults though the going wasn’t always easy. We learned it was easier with God helping and we couldn’t do it alone. Parenthood is an awesome adventure and one that continues through your lifetime, making each day count to the fullest measure.
Our family will share with you the love, supportive actions, and willingly share this new life with you both. The magic will hold some wonderful memories for us all. I am excited even though it is one more step up in the Golden Years for me, my children will become great-aunts and great-uncles, and as we know life is so precious. Love to everyone, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Happiness comes through doors you didn’t even know you left open.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-02-05
Lazy Days of Summer
Indiana has been hit with the hot, humid days of 90’s + weather the last few weeks. It’s the time of summer when everyone feels its work just sitting in the heat much less getting up and moving around to work. When I complain in my mind to the heat, I always say a prayer for the construction workers, highway crews, firemen, policemen, and all others that have no choice but to work in the heat. That must develop a tolerance I sure don’t have. Myself, every time my air conditioner lately comes on and gives me cold air, I say “Thank you Lord.” I recall the days when you kids were young, when we only had a fan, we all tried to sit in front of it when even breathing was an enormous effort. Do you remember those days too, when everything seem sticky, sweaty or hot to feel?
Along with the heated temperatures, corn fields working on the “knee high by the 4th of July” rule, lightening bugs after the sun went down, and the family reunions come along with summer. The Thornton off-springs, all descended on my brother, Vern and Roxana’s home last week-end in Kingston, Illinois. Vern’s home always is a wonderful campground with great landscaping of flowers and trees, a river flowing thru it, and includes 2 additional beautiful designed homes being built in the process by them. The man knows how to dream and even more important, how to see that legacy of dreams become a reality. He planned all this when he purchased the farm with all the acreage years ago. Both Vern and Roxana’s latest “custom blueprints” have produced a high quality of Elegant Living for sure when they are completed.
All who attended the reunion reaped the enjoyment of mingling fun of family, delicious food including the watermelons, peaches, and cantaloupes of summer treats. Our picnic of approximate 50 was smaller than usual, so many unable to attend were truly missed, but we all hope to see them next year. No place was selected as yet though.
Lastly on the reunion subject, I have to say when jobs are past out on working to help out in the kitchen, be careful what you volunteer for. The 5 lbs of chicken quarters I cleaned the fat, livers, from will last me for the next 100 years. It’s at the top of the “Don’t want to do” list for this ole city girl. UGH!!!! I never learned to do much in the kitchen for I was going to have a maid. Your Dad always said when I cut up a chicken he never knew what part he was eating.
A last thought, I remember summers that we sat in our chairs outside, watching a mole tunnel underground in our yard. Seems he always had to go forward exploring new ground, maybe because he left dirt enough behind him and couldn’t return to old territory. What a smart animal, he learn the keeping yourself going forward to new goals, new adventures and keep your eyes off the past.
Have a great week!!! Enjoy the summer and have a firecracker good time. Love you all. Always, Mom
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-25-05
I don’t believe you children remember the days of BLACK and WHITE movies or TV shows, but I do. The big event of the week was Saturday, no school, movie matinees with chocolate candy bars, jujy-fruit candy and popcorn. It really was our entertainment for the week. We only later when I was in high school were able to get a television at home. I recall when they came out with Technicolor. Wow, what a treat, did it change our whole visual concept and open up a more pleasurable world of sight and feelings on the screen. The bright brilliant colors were like magic being added to a drab boring world.
Many folks keep their lives full of drab colors with the BLACK, GRAY emotional states they stay in. The emotions of jealousy, desire, anger, despair, and taboo feelings can control their outlook on the world around them. How about RED with anger, GREEN with envy, BLUE with sadness? There are PINK clouds of recovery when we practice keeping our emotions on a positive level helping us to be happier. We need to keep our experiences full of rich colors making fuller lives. Are you living in Technicolor? As a Sagittarius, I love Deep Rich BLUE but I really like all bright colors for clothing to wear. To be BLUE or depressed is something I tolerate briefly in my day to days. As the saying goes, can’t stand hanging around with me down and out.
While living next door to Isabelle Bracken, she made me aware that each person generates their own Aura. AURA is a bio-energy field around and in your body. Everything has an Aura, plants, animals, and us humans. Isabelle could see the rays of energy coming from others by focusing on their shoulder (either side). These rays of color would change with our moods. I really tried to learn how to see Aura’s and even learned once in awhile to see them, though I did not practice like I should have to become an accomplished reader of Auras. Never could I read Dad’s and his was the one I wanted to read. If I’d seen BLACK, GRAY, or RED from him I would have know to stay out of his way early. HAHA. (You can try to read your own, stand in front of a mirror, focus on the shoulder, and the rays should become visual).
Our world is full of God’s beauty in colors. GREEN grass, BLUE sky, wonderful color of rainbows after rain, sunrise and sunsets that illuminate the skies. Even WHITE can be outstanding pure and brilliant. Stop, Look around, don’t miss Life in Technicolor. Blessings and Love, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Take a lesson from the grass. No matter how many times it’s cut or trampled on, it rises again & continues. So get back up my friend, and rise again!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-18-05
The Apple and Me.
Most all of you know about Mom and her apples, I average at least 1 a day, and sometimes 2 a day. I had always heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I never concentrated on eating them regularly till I heard of the 3 a day diet on the Internet. The apple, walking 2 miles a day exercise, and eating a balanced 3 meals a day helped me lose the 20 pounds I accumulated. I am grateful to have kept it off also because the apple does burn fats from other foods you eat. I really thought by now I would be tired of eating apples, but the benefits way out way the routinely habit. As I quartered and eat each apple I can see how Johnny Appleseed decided to plant those seeds to make future trees for more apples. Wow, one apple has a lot of seeds, what a waste not to use them. As always, Mom ponders on such thoughts.
Have you ever thought how much we resemble the apple core in our very being? The core being our soul/heart of our body. God has planted in all of us the Holy Spirit to give us whispers and/or nudges from him to direct our life’s paths. When we are busy we may ignore either one, but he will keep after us. Our nudges can be to do or say something that may take us out of our “comfort” zone. I think of these as time we can plant seeds. It maybe seeds of love, a compliment or encouraging others, seeds of faith, letting your strength and hope be given to others in need. I love the seed of laughter; I enjoy hearing others laugh or maybe even just a smile. There is a seed of trust we can offer to others, listening to their problems as a trusted friend.
Life is not all about me, myself, or I. Others matter; we touch other lives each day. We can plant those seeds, or we can go thru grumping planting a bad seed----so people don’t want to be around us.
I think of you 3 children and your spouses, I am proud to say you all have the knack of planting seeds, I see it in your lives and actions of doing for others. Yet, being human we miss many nudges or whispers to do something we wouldn’t normally do. That is when we need to speak, smile at a stranger, or helping someone with a good deed, getting the importance off of ourselves. Plant those seeds of good, not only will you feel better, your life will be blessed more. Only God can count the seeds coming from the core of our heart and soul.
Have a good week, and eat an apple or two! (Smile) Always, Mom
Tip of the week: A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
“Beautiful” Pictures
My cousin from Georgia emailed me this week, Lainer and her brother, O’Quinn are going through their Mother’s home and belongings due to her death. Aunt Susie Lee was the last of the Anderson clan of that generation. It is hard to lose those loved ones and the stored up information of the past years in the family. It becomes a vault of information that can’t be replaced.
Lanier brought a chuckle and smile to my face with a comment about finding “beautiful” pictures of us kids. WOW, it’s true of any and all families when you go thru picture boxes or albums, they always contain those awful looking school pictures. I wonder did the photographers take lessons on how to produce the worse looking sights possible? And they want parents to pay for them and usually outrages prices.
Could it be the ages 10 through teens God is working on our looks and the finished picture is not completed yet. I think of mine, 3rd grade I was all teeth, should have been happy for 1st grade the front teeth were missing and I had none. How about those awful pictures that shows the results of falling on the bikes, fat lips, black eyes, or scabs that always happen at picture time? Rusty, I know you have some that you wish “dear Mom” would lose. {Smile} How about those family group pictures, there’s always one who decided to stick out their tongues, or cross their eyes---making it impossible to use that picture as a family portrait.
Of course, there is always the camera bugs like Steve who like the “unexpecting shots”, so the victim is shown with a scared look, a mouth full of food, or mouth open and eyes closed look. I think of one of me that comes to mind, it’s of me about 11 or 12 with a hair do of “over permed hair” of fuzz, and standing with a swayed back ole mare. Mercy, it was a toss up on who was the worse looking the horse or me! Talk about bad hair days, come on, you all know what I am talking about!! In my case the perm was done in the days the perms were electrical, plugged into outlets and to the curlers with hair. Yeah, something to look at!
To all mother’s I believe we treasure each and every “school picture” of their children. I have all of yours, and proudly display your graduation pictures, though I don’t think you all see the sentiment in them I do. We all have pictures we would like burn, or tear up, (how about old boy-girl friend ones) but they need to remain as part of history of our family. My family has one of “Aunt Polly,” the homeliest lady I have ever seen—but all who knew her said she was the kindest and most wonderful person around. So, guess the “pictures speak louder than words” isn’t always telling the complete story.
I emailed Lainer and told her to save those “beautiful” pics in an envelope or box and we’ll get them in March next spring when we return to Georgia. I’m sure Aunt Judy wants them for her Genealogy books---so some day some one will look at us and enjoy a laugh, and be glad they didn’t inherit that look.
Have a good week, stay cool and drink plenty of water, I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: The smallest deed done is greater than the best of intentions.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-04-2005
Generation Ties
A plaid and checked tablecloth bought by Dianna recently, took Dianna, Pam and myself back to a buried visual memory of a dress our dear Fairy Grace, your Grama, wore in the 60’s & 70’s. It was a moment we all loved visualizing her wearing that one dress. It in a flash brought her back to our present lives, as we remembered the picture of her holding a Mother’s Day gift of a lamp we had given her many years ago. Instant recall is certainly a gift from only God, no way could we have developed that ability on our own it was given to us.
Memories, touching a quilt made by a long ago loved one, with a touch can bring back memories of dresses worn, scraps sewed together becomes a gathering of the past. So and so’s dress, or Mom had one made out of this scrap. There is many homes which hold items of generations passed to present ones, many called antiques, old pieces, something in the family someone had, and discards, etc. I remember when I was younger thinking and why would I want that thing? Makes me laugh how immaturity souls only look often at the present worth only, money they might receive for it now.
As we age I have found we need that closeness of the past as we begin to lose our family members to death. The Grandfather Clock I have hanging on the living room wall no longer keeps time, ahhh, but the memories are still there. I recall it being in Grandma Lee’s (Fairy’s Mom) kitchen. May have been greasy, black looking, covered with dust till Paw Paw restored it completely to its natural beauty. The lion heads of gold are one outstanding feature of it. I still can recall the warmth, comforting feeling, I had when Dad and I visited her in the 50’s when we were newly-weds. Her home held the aroma of dinner cooking on the stove, her teasing joking ways with Dad, showing the great love she held for him as her grandson.
I glance around my apartment, I see the Scott platter hanging over my table, blue and white and atleast 100 if not 110 years old. The last home it was in was Grama Forsythe’s (Dad’s Grama). I wasn’t blessed with knowing her but she too cooked and was living fun so I was told. Such a shame we can’t bottle up all those precious memories for future recall. Some get lost to the past, making the ones we still relive even of more value. Our heavenly Father created families and it was his plan that we carry on generational ties with those who have gone before us and those yet to come----those who share our genes, blood and even our crooked noses. Deuteronomy 4:9 says, “Be careful and watch yourself closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”
Everyone still has generational ties thru things they have in their home, daily stirring memories. As they pass to the next generation, hopefully some wonderful stories will go with them. Keep your heart full of laughter from the past. Always remember how much I love you all. Thankful daily for you being in my life.
All for this week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: A smile is a curve that can set things straight.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 05-28-05
Memorial Weekend 2005
For generations someone’s loved ones, dear to their family have been fighting for the American freedom, which we have here in our homeland. Defending our homes even from the beginning became a way of life for our men folks. War was never a choice but a necessitate boys grew into as men. Women began serving our country as nurses and other positions in factory’s to help keep our homeland free and safe. Your Grama and Grampa Thornton (my parents) worked in plants as welders during World War II.
Since 9/11 and the tremendous loss of lives due to terrorist acts, many women now serve armed forces in Iraq, and around the world side by side with our service men proudly defending us and our freedom.
During the coming weekend of Memorial Day, you’ll see flags appear along the sidewalks of our Bldg. #6, patios, and balcony holding red, white, and blue. Each of these flags represents our veterans, from all past conflicts and those continuing on now. As we honor those you gave their lives in the line of duty, remember to pray for the families also for strength to deal with losses, the pain runs deep and they are never forgotten for the cost of war.
While in Georgia this spring, our family serviceman, my great nephew, Sgt. Timothy Wilkes, age 31, was interviewed along with a veteran, Wm. LaRoche, age 84, for the Brunswick News. Both had many similarities as they compared defending their country in wars, but the top priority was mutual respect for each other as equals. Both men protecting their loves ones, even in harm’s way, at Pearl Harbor and Iraq. Timmy, it was a true honor for you to give Mr. LaRoche the Coin of Excellence you received in Iraq. Our family is so proud of you and your career in the Army. We love you, our pride as well as our prayers will continue while you are serving in Egypt, till you return safely home again.
Take time to say “Thank You” to the veterans you know, remember the family ones we have lost and the ones now serving our country. We Americans have the privilege to honor our service folks near and far. Our freedom continues because of them. It is a price that has been paid by many. “Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
Have fun at those cook outs this weekend, drive safely, and return home safe and sound. Love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: To be a good friend open your ears & heart more often than your mouth. Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 05-21-05
Here at Crestwood Village we have donuts and coffee every Wednesday morning prior to our weekly building meeting. The tasteful appetite for those donuts are shown as our senior residents enjoy eating them. I had to give up my share for the yeast continued to rise all day while in my tummy. So, I just watch others enjoy theirs.
I am sure you all have heard the expression or verse, “As you travel down life’s pathway, may this ever be your goal: Keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.” Okay, are you like me, sometimes concentrating only on the missing hole, things I don’t have or own, my trials in life, when I should be fixing my attention on my blessings, the donuts at hand. Psalm 103:2 states “Bless the Lord, O my soul, & forget not all his benefits.” All too often we are distracted by small disappointments - we are prone to forget the innumerable blessings we receive daily. The good things are far more important than the adversities that monopolize our attention.
Being human, we often find negatives slipping into our thoughts, caused by jealous, envy, self-pity and /or many other bad thoughts. We can’t be negative and positive, it is up to us to choose which we want in our thoughts. I guess that is what made me choose when I thought of “practicing butts”, I wrote about before. Should your Dad have something that was driving me crazy, I would make my thoughts switch to something he did that was positive I could be thankful for. It placed the importance on his good and not bad habits, and it worked for the better.
Enjoy the donuts in your daily life, don’t look for the holes that are missing. If God gives you a complete “sweet roll” say thank you and count yourself as being blessed. Psalm 68:19 “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.” Have a great week everyone, get ready for that Memorial Day weekend and the Indy 500 race. Pray for great weather here in Indiana. Of course, they weather rain, cold or sunshine at that time of May in Indiana. God Bless you all, Always, Mom
TIP OF THE WEEK: Spend your time counting blessings, not airing your complaints.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 05-14-05
“Dear Mom”
Last Sunday I watched cars drive up to the 7 buildings here at Crestwood Village South, children picking up “dear Mom” for her special Mother’s Day. Many came with flowered bouquets, candy and other pretties, gifts also including dinner out. It was great to see their way of expressing their love for Mom.
A Mother gives of herself to make her family feel love, happiness, which is shared in a family. One lesson a Mother gives her children is the ability for each child to stand on their own when the time comes. We all lean heavy on Mom and Dad’s from our first step and through our growing years. But all too soon it is time for us to stand independent and become adults ourselves. With out this time it stops the maturing necessary to live in this world and do for oneself.
I love to watch the birds in the spring, from the time the nest is built for the eggs, all thru hatching, mouth feeding, cleaning up their mess in the nest, those baby birds are cared for completely. Then, that day comes when Mama Bird says, “Okay kids time to learn to fly solo.” God placed that instinct into the animals just as much as it is in us humans. We as parents sometime don’t show it as smartly as the Mama birds though and knowing when. We let them lean and feel secure in our love till they become strong enough to stand strongly on their own. Our love remains and advise remains, but the importance is on them flying solo.
Even then we all have times we need to lean, or as Dr. Phil says, “We need a soft place to fall.” Many parents have given their children siblings as friends to be there, knowing they have all grown together and started with the same basic foundation. One of the greatest gifts children can give their parents is to develop a bond with siblings that assure your family will continue after the passing of the parents. It’s the legacy we parents have, speaking more of our life than anything else.
My mind and heart this week included your Grama Fairy’s birthday, May 13th, often falling on Mothers Day. She so enlightened our lives with all the love she gave us. What a blessing from God!!! Have a wonderful week, I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the weekA Mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. –Dorothy Canfield Fisher-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week ending 05-07-05
A Mother’s Love is one that compares to no other love relationship you will ever have. It may have a lot to do with the child in the beginning was a part of the Mother’s body for 9 months. During this time is was nourished by the same blood flow as the Mother.
Your Dad use to say I knew the right things to say, the right time for when you children needed comfort, or reassurance, and time when some tough love was needed. Wasn’t always true. I often told him that’s why God made me the Mother and him the Dad. There’s time when both fulfill needs and no one knows better than a child which and when to go to each one.
I loved the thoughts and words of this card by Bettyann Sharrah, and would love to share it with you:
A Mother’s Love will never die---- it is yours to keep forever A Mother’s Love will always shine even through stormy weather A Mother’s Love will give you hope to help you follow your dreams A Mother’s Love will give you faith to face whatever life brings A Mother’s Love will hold you close in times of sorrow But most of all, A Mother’s Love will still be here Long after all tomorrows, Love Always
To my daughters, have a wonderful Mother’s Day, and thank you for my grand children, Tori, Scott, Tom and Kevin. To my daughter in law, I am so thankful my son found you, Natali, and Ryan to join our family. To all other Mother’s, hope your day is full of love. See you all next week. Love Always, Mom
TIP OF THE WEEK: “Forever” is too big for us. That’s why we were given one day at a time.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 04-30-05
The Ole’ Porch Swing
As I traveled south this year, I once again had memories of the Ole’ Porch Swing brought back to me. Seems everyone had a Porch Swing (southern) or Glider (northern) to relax on and converse over the happenings of the day. In the evenings after dinner, they would be spent talking, staring off into space, thinking of nothing in particular, gliding, or swinging. There is something about the movement, the same as a Mother rocking a crying baby to sleep in a rocking chair, it is calming and relaxing. Soothes the soul.
I loved my childhood memories of the Ole’ Porch Swing. Somehow it was okay to sit with parents and grandparents and ask questions. Conversations have always been special for those that participate. How often do you see that happening in families of lately? Seems our world is so fast, never time to sit and do nothing, like it’s wrong or a sin to sit and be idle. I am one that needs relaxation, soft soothing music, quietness and prayer time with God. I now have a balcony, no porch swing, but the chairs are out on it, and I think it is heavenly to sit day or evening on it, listening to the birds (which I hear again with my hearing aids) and chill out.
I remember the Porch Swing I had on Ripple Road, had one in the yard on Pine Street, lots of good time to get in touch with my soul, talks with Big Nanny or my sisters and neighbors, fun with the grandkids, telling stories or swinging me too high with giggles. Little kids make life fun.
I read recently in an article by Gisella Zukausky: “Anytime you are not making an effort to think with your conscious mind, you are in your subconscious mind, a state of mental relaxation. That is what we call meditation, daydreaming or even hypnosis. People who take this time out are healthier, live longer and can better deal with everyday stresses. Have you been recharging your battery? Isn’t it time you do? It is Spring-----the rains will be leaving and clear days are promised for next week----so get out on that porch furniture, and if you have an Ole’ Porch Swing --- consider yourself RICH. I love you all, have a great week. Always, Mom
Tip of the Week: Relax; you are not responsible for everything in the universe. That’s still my job. Love, God
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 04-23-05
While vacationing in Georgia I attended the Blythe Island Baptist Church each Sunday but one. They have a real spirited young pastor and a real exciting active congregation. They have a large sanctuary being built next door from the small church, all to accommodate the growth of their young membership. It is wonderful to feel so “at home” away from home. Their service and worship is so like my Greenwood Christian Church, though minus my pastor Shan, who I missed. But all in all after my second year of attending, I surely will attend again next year when I visit my sister, Geraldine and family.
I attended my Mother’s church on Easter with my sisters, cousins, and visited your Grama’s grave and my Grama’s grave with new pretty flowers. Brother Ledbetter preached on the “The Grace of God” being what WE receive that WE don’t deserve! God gave us Jesus to give us forgiveness and help us through Grace in our growth in life. This is called the “Mercy of Our God.” Lots of pondering to do there, we are all so richly blessed each and every day.
Don’t ever forget God is there 24/7. He is watching over us in all things. Guiding, comforting, and meeting the needs of his children to bring us nearer to himself. He finds extraordinary variety of ways to assure us that his eye is on the sparrow—and on every one of us. We all are “WORK IN PROGRESS.” We all have a purpose for being here and God will guide us to it, thru it, and even if we are kicking or fighting, we will eventually get to where he wants us. He knows that purpose he created when he gave you to me at conception. All of you are only on loan to me, I pray daily for his continual help to guide you to be the best you can be. God loves you and so do I.
Lastly, I want to thank my dear friend, Brother Jack, Brunswick, GA.’s, WYNR’s one, and only radio DJ for Gospel on Sunday mornings. He truly is God’s work in progress as he gives so much with his talents, singing wonderful gospel, encouraging and helping others. He really made us 3 sisters feel so “Special” with his at home concert for us. Next time remember the trumpet!!! You are a blessing Brother Jack, Thank you for always being there!!
Have a great week my kidos. I love you so much and am proud of the stamina each and every one show in this life, don’t forget to work on the eternity you will one day have too. It is all about Jesus!!!!! Love, Mom Tip of the week: Mom said, “Spending all my money would make no cents.” : <)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week ending 4-16-05
Hello everyone ! Boy, have I missed each and everyone of you! As for all vacations, it is fun, great to have, but the being back at home is the wonderful end of a great time. As Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ said, “There's no place like home”.
My sister Alberta and I had a safe and sound two-day trip to Georgia. We had a month with my sister, Geraldine and niece, Janice. They always treat us like queens, spoiling us royally. It was great to be “Sisters on the GO” once again. It is an annual event and all the time is so special. Keep that room empty, Sis, we will return next year.
Our family reunion went wonderful, great food all southern style, entertainment by a cousin with that southern gospel beat. The reunion next year is to be a Hawaiian theme. I offered to learn how to do the hula and give lessons. Ha-ha. That should be fun, being Southern Baptist don’t dance and that is what most of my kin are. All the little kids let out hoorays when I mentioned it. I do get myself in some trouble when I do volunteering. If there is anyone out there knowing the HULA, please teach me! May even have to go to the library and get a book. Think my neighbor man friend has a grass skirt. Should be fun and I always love to have fun and make good memories.
Our 2 days down to Florida, went too quickly with my ole girl friends from High School. We went to St. Augustine and checked out the shops riding a trolley bus, saw the beautiful built landmarks with some wonderful historian guides. Wish we had more time to lay by the pool and ocean, did get in one walk on the beach, too much rain and a few tornadoes slowed us down this year. Chit-chat of old boy friends brought back some memories and laughs. Thank you Gail, Sally and Diane for a full fun reunion.
The last 3 days has been trying to rest up and get some 8 hours straight of sleep. I am feeling more human and less grouchy. Hope to be back to full steam next week and back to the normal routine. Till then God bless you all. I love you bunches. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: When your brain is tired, stop and rest till new thoughts come to your mind.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 3-19-2005
Vacation Time 2005:
Hello all you Mom’s Thoughts buddies of mine. It is March and once a year I take flight and leave this ole apartment to head south. This year is slower than usual, only because I am not only headed to Georgia, I am planning to meet my old high school girl friends in Florida.
I will be off my computer for the entire trip. Yep, you heard that right!!! Hard to believe, I love my computer and all the fun it gives me as social entertainment. The fast way of staying in touch is wonderful and beats snail mail to death. So here is my vacation plans and I do mean vacation.
1. Leaving March 17, 2005 for a two day trip to Georgia, my Sister’s, Geraldine’s home in Brunswick. I will have the old trusty cell phone with me, 317-223-9772 and 24/7.
2. Our family reunion is on the Saturday before Easter and we, my sister, Alberta and I, will be spending with Cousins galore. Love those southern meals and lots to eat, gospel music and lots of sharing of memories.
3. The April 7th and 8th will be spent in Florida for two days of fun, shopping and gossiping with the girls about what happen back in high school, 1956 & 57. Watch out Gail, Sally and Diane, my memory may come back yet.
4. I will be returning to Indy on or about April 12th. I will be glad to be home I am sure and once more back on my computer.
5. Call me on the cell phone should something exciting happen. :>) Again that is 317-223-9772.
I hope all are well with everyone. Hopefully I will come back with lots of wonderful fun topics to right about and share. May even run into a out house or two while down yonder. Haha. I hear the temps are in the 80’s, but I promise to bring spring back with me.
All take care, I will miss you and think of you from the walks I take among the wisteria and azaleas. Blessings and Prayers, Always, Jan Mom’s Thoughts for the week 03-12-05
A mountainwings daily message started me to pondering on this subject recently. I am sure you have heard of the expression of “dire straits”. We all have our own times in our lives that are hard to come thru. Dire is a warning of dreadful consequences or an urgent situation. Straits is a “narrow” channel.
Many of the things in our lives get in dire straits. The warnings might be 1) High Blood Pressure 2)Serious overweight 3) Credit card balance that creep higher each month, or maybe a marriage or relationship that finds less talking, more arguments, less laughter. All of these are warnings that require changes in our life and us to stay on a fairly narrow path. If areas are in dire straits we all have the ability to make changes.
Remember, if you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same thing. The road to success, health and happiness is always a narrow road. It is always a “Strait”. You have often heard, “If you want something you’ve never had, then you must do something that you have never done.” Often that thing you must do is on a strait and narrow path.
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matt 7:14 KJV)
Life is all about changes, we are the ones that have to do that for ourselves, our little baby steps can soon turn into giant steps. I celebrate this month 12 years of cancer free, smoke free and change to a healthy life style. I am so grateful for my faith and all it has enabled me to do. I didn’t walk any of that path alone, my strength came from above, yours can to. Don’t let dire straits get you down, you can make those changes, and make your future brighter.
Have a great week. I love you all, think SPRING!!!! Always, Mom
Tip of the week: There isn’t any mountain you can’t conquer. Go for it!!!!Mom’s Thoughts for the week 03-05-05 Toilet Paper & Out Houses one more time:
I know, I was done with these two subjects but I keep getting new material from the listening world out there. I have laughed more on these subjects than any thing else lately. Sally emailed me about memories she had forgotten, till reading about Connie and the Cats on Feb 12th. When Sally lived in Birmingham, she pet-sat her daughters Lhaso Apso, Harry for them. While Sally was on the “throne” Harry would grab the toilet paper end of the roll, run thru the house pulling it till it broke. Then he would go back for more. Harry and Sally made lots of good times and memories. You that all have pets appreciate that I am sure, they are family.
A newspaper article found locally noted they even have historians and hobbyist on toilet paper on the internet ( Now, there is a prestigious job!!! The survey on TP undy’s and over’s found the % of men are unders & LOGICALLY, women are over’s (Must have something to do with women using both sides of their brains and men only use one side.) I also voted on the survey for being a “folder” and not a “wadder.” Now think……which are you?
In a recent Reminisce magazine given me by Mary H., it had an article on “Remember the House Out Back”? It had secret meetings of beau’s while making the trip down the old path. One out house was converted into a private learning center in PA for a professor. Some additional things mentioned I had not thought of was privy’s being turned over on Halloween night by pranksters. When they were caught the police would have the boys re set all the outhouses, their pictures being taken to be shown in the local paper of Wis. for all to see. Another privy owner would paint his out house just before Halloween night so they wouldn’t turn it over. FRESH PAINT!! Good idea!!
Have you ever found your yard upon waking in the morning to have the bushes, the trees and all toilet paper decorated by graduating seniors at the local H.S. or devilish kids on Halloween? HaHa. It’s a full time job cleaning it up even if the wind helps you by blowing it away.
Okay one and all, I will try not to tackle this subject again. I do think it has give us some things to laugh about, reminisce over, made us smile, and most of all recycled lots of stored away memories for those who Out Houses was part of your life. Have a great week kids, friends, and family members near and far, I love you all. Always, Mom Tip of the weekLife is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
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