Mosaic of Green


A curious temple for prayer and respite, splendor

             reverent with majesty yet kindness;

             Housing  worship and caring and knowledge for eons….

             beckoning to all: enter and know the Love.


With more stained glass windows than mighty walls,

             showing opaque white and transparent green—

             forming a mosaic, simple and sweet

             saying: come in and look out at the world I have made for you.


As they went inside, and peered around,

             plainness and drabness they saw;  massive doors, and

a woman….a wise elder of the temple.

Showing:  eyes of white and opaque green.


“Ah,” said she, knowingly, “you came here with hopes of finding the

magic of Life…..”  and they nodded sadly and turned to go.

“The secrets and enchantment you seek are here

To be found: we both hold the key.”


And from her long tresses she produced a key, as disbelievers opened

              their hands to reveal the same.  They gasped.  She went on,

              “It takes us both to use our keys, for the secrets and mysteries

              and longings in life, are simply not discovered alone.”


As she bent and conversed with each one in turn, and together

opened Doors of the Truths.  They each turned away with

tears and with smiles----

they had gotten as were promised after all from her—in a way

unlike any other.


When the wanderers left, she sighed and gave thanks, then did a most

wondrous thing: 

with her hair and her Key and  transparent green eyes,

transformed into mosaic green glass….

with watchful eyes for all who seek the pathways

                              unto Peace.






Copyright © 6-14-00  Amy L. Allison


 Dedicated to Beth Savage-Higgenbottom, a present from God.



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